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Accept small orders and customize your logo!


For customizing your logo, we need to help you produce 3,000 pieces trademarks, about $60, The price is related to the craftsmanship of the logo and the type of color. After every purchase, even if there are only 20 pieces, we will help you modify the trademark until the trademark is used up.The cost of a tailor changing a trademark is: $0.4/piece.

Sản phẩm xếp hạng hàng đầu

28,00 US$ - 32,00 US$
Shipping: 17,37 US$/Bộ
Min. Order: 1 Bộ
Dự kiến giao hàng trước thg 1127Trả hàng dễ dàng
3 sold

Chen Bob
Selena Chen
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